Doing a web analysis of came pretty easily to me as I visit the website everyday to get updates about this off-season. This website serves as your direct source to everything NFL.  It serves as a news site, where you can find the most up to date news on literally any issue regarding the NFL, the teams, the players, even those in the NFL draft who are on their way in.  It went into depth during the NFLPA lockout as well.  The website also has blogs and podcasts, and different entertaining videos of highlights, player interviews and even their own web show called the N”if”L, where they state what could have happened if a team had made a different move regarding players, or certain plays etc.  All content on the site is able to be commented on by the viewers as well.  The color scheme of the website is a monochromatic scheme of greys and blues, which gives the site a very professional finish.  This theme stays consistent throughout the navigation of the site which is very important according to the writers at . Below you can view the screen shot of the home page.

The home page will have a cover story of the biggest news at the moment, and if something bigger happens that day it will be updated.  Also as you scroll you will see the top headlines from across the league that are hyper linked to their headlines, as seen below.

The side bars have other popular content as well such as smaller stories, polls, tweets by players, teams and the nfl, and ads for Also, if you’re looking for more stories, or mostly headlines you can click the news link at the top of the page which will direct you to just the headlines around the NFL. Once clicking on an article, it directs you to the article page where you read the article or post, but the great thing is the sidebar.  If you look at the image below you will see that on the right hand side there is a group of links in a box, and you can customize the content of the links. The tabs at top allow you to select headlines for either the specific team that the current article is about, the most “liked” headlines on at the time, the most commented on headlines or the latest headlines.  This allows you to customize your experience by choosing what headlines are important to you.

Along the very top of the homepage all the little images are the logos of all the teams in the nfl.  By clicking on the logo of a team it will open a new tab for that teams website.  This is very user friendly for fans who may not know the URL for their home team, or even if they just wish to browse through the websites of other teams in the NFL.  Right below that there is a search bar allowing you to enter tag words and search all of for content containing these words.  This is great for fans who may have heard a rumor about a team or a player and instead of browsing through the website for articles they can just search it right at the top.  This is great because the website is updated by the minute, as event occur around the NFL, so sometimes a story about a specific could have been replaced on the homepage.  Below the search bar is the navigation bar which will take you anywhere else you need to go on the site.  From the left to the right the categories are news, video, teams, players, scores, schedules, stats, standings, fantasy, nfl network, game pass, tickets and shop.  Another great feature about the navigation bar is that if at any point you wish to return to the home page, you can click the NFL logo in the top left hand corner of the screen.  This allows for an easy return to the homepage and is a great feature according to Stoney DeGeyter of  By moving the cursor over one of the categories a drop down menu will show all the different areas that you can go in that section of the website as seen below.

As you can see the drop down menu for teams has all the teams listed allowing you to link to all the headlines for that given team.  It is similar to this for all the drop down bars at the top of the page, allowing you to navigate exactly where you wish to.

As you navigate the website you will see all the videos I mentioned in the first paragraph.  When you search the players tab you can browse all the info on a given player, whether in the NFL, or in the draft about to be.  They will also have a player profile and professional analysis given on each player. Another great thing about the site is that every time a team or player is mentioned in an article, the player or team name is hyper linked.  By clicking on a players name you stay in the article and a small box pops up with a mini player profile.  By clicking on the team name it takes you to’s profile page for that team.  This is great because if you don’t recognize a players name you can click on them without leaving the article and learn the basics about them.

As you continue through the tabs you can find all the scores of every season, all the stats and standings and schedules.  When you get to the fantasy tab you are taken to’s personal version of fantasy football.  This is the version I use with my friends, because the rules are fully customizable and it is extremely user friendly.  It uses’s database to keep you up to date on different trades regarding your players, or injuries and status’ on their performance.  It also has in depth analysis and statistical match-up reviews.  This content is amazing but because it is out of season I could not show all this content is screen shots.

The game pass tab allows a user to select a variety of options for experiencing a game on game day.  You can have it stream live over your computer, over your mobile phone.  You can have updates sent directly to your phone as well or your email if you are somewhere you can’t watch the game.

The tickets link will bring you to a page where you select team and event.  Then you actually can purchase tickets for a game through Ticketmaster.  Lastly the shop tab takes you right back to

All the content in the site is able to be commented on and there are different tweets that are posted around the site keeping fans up to date on what the NFL players or teams are tweeting.

My overall review of the site is that it is perfect for the NFL fan.  You can access and customize your experience as you please.  You can easily navigate the site and link off to other sites as well as player profiles etc.  All the space on the site is nicely utilized as there are no big blank spots on the site, but rather more content that you could link off too.  The pictures on the site are not necessarily influential, but more just appropriate to what the given article is about.  There is really anything I would change about this site, I think it is formatted perfectly for its purpose.  I would definitely suggest this site to anyone in search of anything regarding the NFL.

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